Friday, June 18, 2010

A Baby Bunny

Lauren, it has been a wonderful week for capturing nature on camera. But more than that, it's been a wonderful week of discovery as you saw your first real nest of baby birds yesterday. And then, tonight, while daddy was watering the garden, he spotted a baby bunny hiding under the squash leaves.  Of course, I ran to get the camera, hoping the bunny would still be there when I returned to the garden.  And there he was  nestled quietly under a big squash leaf.  Daddy gently pulled part of the plant to the side, long enough for me to snap a few quick photos.  Then, the little rabbit darted out of the garden to the high grass.  He had been on quite the adventure that evening all by himself and was probably headed back to his home.  He ran so fast, that he was just a blur.  I hope that he was able to sample something delicious from our garden before his departure!

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